Chlorate testing discount offer

Chlorate Testing Discount: 10% off through Summer 2022
Due to the increasing regulations and demand for traceability of Chlorate, Columbia Laboratories is offering a 10% discount to Agriculture Industries and Hops Growers for Summer 2022.
New regulations for residues of perchlorate and chlorate in food stuff have been published and will enter into force as from end of June (chlorate) resp. 1st of July (perchlorate).
Residues of perchlorate and chlorate can often be detected in a wide range of concentrations in foodstuff. Both substances are chlorine compounds that are undesirable in food due to their toxicological relevance. For perchlorate, mainly fruits, vegetables, tea, herbal infusions and infant food are affected. Chlorate, however, is found in the whole range of food but especially in processed food. This is due to the fact that chlorate is a common byproduct of many frequently used chlorine-based disinfectants.
Columbia Laboratories offers a multi-residue pesticide screen for hops, or you can order pesticides ala carte.
To receive the discounted Code for testing, please follow this link:
Single Pesticide: Chlorate
• Sample Size: 50 grams
• Turnaround time: 8 business days
• LOQ: 0.010 mg/kg